The other day, during a session with one of my coaching clients, he asked how I knew so much about the towing business.

Basically, what makes me an expert?

Well, one thing I can tell you is I fell down a lot.

I made every mistake you can think of.

  • I got too involved with motor clubs.
  • I approached the repossession business wrong.
  • I wasn’t always the best boss.
  • We lost money towing for IAA and Copart.
  • I lost the City towing contract, not once but twice.
  • And I even rolled the dice, disputing responsibility for a damage claim, and ended up losing a valuable client.

That’s quite the mistake timeline, wouldn’t you say?

But I’m not complaining.

Actually, I’m thankful that it went down that way.

Would I have preferred not to lose money and burn some of those bridges?

Of course.

But I’m still much better off.

Because all of those missteps and pain forced me to develop a specific approach to business I wouldn’t have otherwise.

And in my humble but accurate opinion, it’s what makes me uniquely qualified to help other business owners succeed.

Of course, there are certain prerequisites to success.

If you’re a guy or gal who believes you’ve got it all figured out and there’s nothing new under the sun…you’re going to continue to struggle.

Because nobody’s got it all figured out.

Not me. Not you.

And there are countless ways to skin a cat.

For example, when you’re reacquainted with a concept you may have heard 5 or 10 years earlier, you learn something new.


Because YOU are different. So you see it from a new perspective.

I don’t bring this up to convince you to become a coaching client.

I bring it up because soon I’ll have a new offer for those of you who don’t yet have it all figured out.

And need a little guidance along the way.

With eight years under my belt providing marketing and coaching services to towing company owners, I’ve learned that even the best laid plans can fail without proper follow-through.

So, what I’m doing is compiling my methodology for growing and scaling towing businesses into a new membership offer where I will be adding new content monthly.

It’s to help you stay ahead of the curve and make more sales, improve profitability, and attract and retain good people.

Everything will be available on your phone inside the new Tow Academy App.

When you subscribe, not only will you get fresh new business building content you can’t get anywhere else, but you’ll also get access to a ton of other videos, audios, courses, articles, and PDFs.

You’ll be able to listen to it while you’re in the truck, hooking up a car, or whenever.

I’m still working on the name of the membership, so if you have any suggestions, shoot me an email.

To make sure you don’t miss out, keep an eye on your email for further updates.

Don Archer

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