Sometimes you gotta laugh at yourself


Gotta tell you a story about something a little embarrassing that happened to me a couple of weeks back.  My wife and I were in the Walgreens looking for pool toys for the kids, and as [...]

How motor clubs help my clients


I gotta take my hat off to motor clubs due to how good they’re making my clients look.  Seems like all you have to do nowadays is show up when you say you’re gonna.   Ok, here’s what [...]

We all make mistakes…


If you’ve ever seen the movie 8 Mile, you were exposed to a powerful lesson that you may not be aware of. To refresh your memory, Eminem plays this poor white rapper who engages in rap [...]

New information has just crossed my desk


Piggy-backing on the last email you received, I wanted to mention something I’ve learned since then.  While attempting to correspond with the person who sent me the email about their experiences with a third-party police dispatching [...]

Peeling back the onion on optimization


Right off the bat, I want you to know that this isn’t going to be some boring, techy dissertation that’ll have you falling asleep in under two minutes.  No, I’m going to provide a macro-level understanding [...]

Don’t worry, be happy!


I know this may come across as pollyannaish, and I’m not usually spewing psychological mumbo jumbo, but I just read something I think you’ll appreciate.   Here goes.  If you are committed to focusing on what is good [...]