Miss Cleo-like, I can pretty much predict who’s gonna make it in this business.
For the most part, it ain’t those who believe they already know everything…
I know you know people like that.
Ego is a killer.
On the other hand, humility allows you to learn quickly.
Because your mind is open and you absorb information like a 4-year-old.
Of course, egotists still eventually learn. But it’s the hard, slow way.
That reminds me.
Remember that story about the “fight” with ole Gordo and the window-screen whips?
Well, I learned another humbling lesson that summer living in the projects.
Here’s what happened…
My younger brother and I were out in the yard, and I thought I would show off and climb high up into a tree.
The reality was I was only about 5 feet off the ground.
Anyway, I was dangling from a limb, hanging by my hands and feet.
Then, I lost my grip and fell to the ground. Flat on my back.
I remember the thud to the ground and having the wind knocked out of me pretty good.
So hard, in fact, I couldn’t breathe at all.
Well, in my 6-year-old brain, I thought I was dying.
So, in a gasping voice, I told my brother to “Go get Mom.”
Because she might want to know that her oldest son is dying right now.
Well, as you might have guessed, I didn’t really die.
But that lesson taught me to be more careful when climbing trees.
Funny how fear and pain help us learn so fast.
At some point in our lives, we all learn lessons the hard way.
The smartest among us however, realize that if you approach a situation with the belief that you already know everything, there’s little room for growth.
Ok, so you all know what I do here at The Tow Academy, right? I help people grow their businesses through various means.
Like helping them attract and retain quality tow truck operators.
Of course, this doesn’t happen overnight.
You can’t just flip a switch or make a single change that’s going to make your business look more attractive to tow truck operators.
You have to be someone they would want to work for.
And there has to be more in it for them than just money. There’s gotta be the opportunity to grow, learn, and become an expert in their craft.
I’m not talking about titles and moving up in the company. There’s nothing wrong with those aspirations and dangling carrots.
But what I mean is allowing them to gain more responsibility and a degree of autonomy as they prove themselves over time.
Of course, this is a balancing act.
Too much responsibility and autonomy, and they may feel overwhelmed. This can lead to burnout.
Especially if their efforts are not acknowledged from time to time.
The best operators, however, see the adept completion of tasks, such as recoveries, as reward enough.
To attract and retain these people, you need to have discipline and structure in YOUR life.
To do that, I suggest that you begin by implementing a Towing Company Handbook.
And as luck would have it, we have a Towing Company Handbook available for you to download on our site.
It’s a fully customizable handbook template that comes as a PDF and a Word document.
There’s information in there that you can’t find anywhere else outside hiring an attorney and a Human Resources professional.
More than 50 Pre-prepared Policies and Procedures
Adjust to fit your business
Compliant manual that you customize
Take your business to the next level
Attract and retain high-quality people
Guidelines for tow truck operators
Guidelines for dispatchers
Use of Company Property Policy
Outside Employment Policy
Letter from the owner
If I were starting off fresh in this business, I would start by creating and customizing a Towing Company Handbook and provide the document to each new employee from day one.
So, it’s clear what’s expected of them and what they can expect from management and their coworkers.
While the product is still available, this email marks the end of the Policies and Procedures Manual Campaign.
Don Archer
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