
About Don G Archer

Hi, my name is Don G Archer, but my friends call me Archer. I am a former owner of a 12 truck, 20 employee towing business which I successfully sold in 2015. Now, I help tow company owners get more customers and close more calls, even if they don't know their way around a computer, are not great at sales, and don’t have the time to learn. I am a multi-published author, educator, writer, and speaker and am known as the tow-evangelist. www. Want to learn more? Email him direct at

July 8, 2023

June 25, 2023

April 4, 2023

March 31, 2023

What Opinion Editors Don’t Know Can Hurt Your Towing Business

By |Basics, Conflict Management, Towing Operations|

What Opinion Editors Don’t Know Can Hurt Your Towing Business On March 21, 2023, an opinion editor for the Wichita Eagle news, wrote an article titled “Predatory pricing: What you don’t know about police [...]

Dealing With An Angry Towing Customer Without The Use of Mixed Martial Arts

By |Customer Service, Conflict Management, Towing Operations|

Effectively dealing with angry towing customers. “Hey…I’m not very happy with the way your company has handled this.” These were the first words of a highly stressed father as he stabbed his finger at my [...]

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