If you’ve ever put together a 300-piece puzzle, you know that you gain momentum as you go.
One piece in the right place allows you to see things you hadn’t before.
Which leads to fitting more pieces where they belong. And in a short time, you see the whole picture.
Well, the skills needed to attract and retain quality employees are like a puzzle too. If you don’t have all the pieces, you’re going to continue to struggle.
Of course, the first step is understanding why retaining employees long-term is desirable.
These include…
• Experienced tow truck operators cause less damage.
• They work more efficiently. They’re quicker and safer.
• And when you have a core group of people you trust, you have the ability to attract more quality people, which allows you to take on more work.
After that, you must identify and properly communicate the parameters of the job you want filled.
What are you looking for in an employee?
• You want someone who’s always on time.
• Takes pride in their work.
• Is motivated, a good communicator, and a team player.
• Has a good attitude (very important)
If this is what you’re looking for, it should be part of your job posting.
And use language that communicates the value you place on your employees.
Your job listing title might look something like this…
Position: Tow Truck Operator -assist law enforcement, help stranded motorists, great pay
Then create an inviting selling paragraph.
Be creative while giving a taste of the kind of person you’re looking for.
• Your job is to inspire applicants to want to work with you.
• Leave out the HR talk and industry jargon.
• Employees place more value on appreciation for a job well done than they do on compensation.
• You must get their attention (don’t be like every other tow truck job listing on Indeed)
Next, take a look at yourself and your business.
It’s a two-way street. You’re trading money for their time, and they’re trading time for money.
But only if your company is right for them.
You are both taking a risk.
When bringing someone new on board, you calculate risk by thoroughly screening applicants.
They calculate risk by doing a little research online.
That means they’re looking at your website, reviews, and Facebook page.
They’re looking for success stories and images of a happy, fun working environment.
What they don’t want to see is some staunch, uptight, and dark workplace—where everybody hides so the boss won’t yell at them.
So before you post your job to the web, take a look at the way your business is represented online.
Look at it from the perspective of a potential applicant.
Is your website up to date? Do you even have a website?
How about your Facebook business page, do you post success stories of your employees’ achievements?
Because accurate or not, what they see is what they believe they’re going to get.
The time and effort you put into finding, attracting, and selecting employees will be directly reflected in the results you get.
Don Archer
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