Embedding Your Video On Your Site
How to Embed Your Video On Your Site
Ok we’re on the final stretch here. Down to our last video.
This video series was put together to show you the tools and teach you the skills necessary to allow you to use video on your site. And video, if done properly, will help attract and engage website visitors, which helps build credibility with Google. This was the topic of the first video and something I’ve continued to reinforce throughout this series.
In this last video I’m going to show you how to embed a YouTube video on your WordPress website.
If you follow the steps laid out in this video series you should be well on your way to getting your website listed first in your area.
But the key ingredient is that you start.
Too many times we read a book or watch a video and fall in love with the ideas presented but fail to take action. There always seems to be too little time or maybe the fear of failure stops us, whatever it is, don’t let it keep you from moving forward with your plans.
One of the best ways I keep motivated is to take that first step. The way that I look at it is, if I’ve already taken the first step and begin a project, then, if I don’t follow through, I’ve wasted my time taking the first step.
So go ahead and get started.
And if you need any help with any of the steps listed in this series contact us at thetowacademy.com
I’m Don Archer and thanks for watching.