Website SEO Audit
Most websites built today are built by web designers who may be good at creating eye-catching designs but, sadly, lack a clear understanding of the requirements of SEO. At the same time, many of the web services companies that claim to provide SEO hire people who are part of the “Gig Economy.” These young men and women take on various tasks and have the time to learn what’s required to implement Search Engine Optimization.
We provide a free SEO audit on your website and determine if your web services company is actually providing Search Engine Optimization. At the end of the audit, if we find anything that needs to be fixed, we’ll offer to repair your site’s SEO issues. The fee for this service will depend on the number and types of issues found on your site.
Towbook Integration
Many of our clients use Towbook software for billing, dispatching tow trucks, managing police calls, private property calls, motor clubs and more. We provide complete integration of Towbook software into your website. Ask us about this service.
Social Media Marketing
When a customer is looking for a towing company to help them, more than 80% of the time, they’ll choose to pull out their phone and conduct a search on Google. While some industries thrive on social media, due to the nature of the towing industry and the needs of your customer, towing customers are not searching for towing services on social media. Of course, there is a place and a use for social media marketing.
Our social media campaigns provide results for your business in two ways. First, a properly conducted and optimized social media campaign will positively impact your website’s SEO efforts through clicks to your website. Second, our social media campaigns increase Top of Mind Awareness (TOMA) in your market. So that when someone who already knows your business on Facebook or Instagram suddenly finds themself needing a service you provide, rather than simply Googling “Towing Near Me,” they’ll search for the name of YOUR business.