
How To Start A Towing Business From Scratch

Are You Ready To Start A Highly Profitable Towing Company In Your Town?

Welcome to the exciting world of roadside assistance. Now is a remarkable time to get involved in this business. And today I’m going to show you one of the quickest ways for you to get started.

Each day in the US there are 100’s of thousands of calls for roadside assistance, and the demand is ever increasing. Before the birth of the smartphone, those in need of towing or roadside assistance relied mainly on friends and family to find help; but now, it’s much easier for these people to simply pick up the phone and call.

More than 97% of the population has a smartphone, and because of this, the floodgates have opened wide, creating HUGE DEMAND for roadside assistance services. Modern advances have once again created an abundant opportunity for motivated individuals just like you to take part in this ever-increasing business.

Until recently, learning how to get involved in the world of towing and roadside assistance has been kept under wraps, concealed by towing companies, fearful of losing a stranglehold on their profits. But now, with what you will learn here today, you have the opportunity to break into this highly rewarding business.

So, hold onto your seat, and get ready to dive into learning how you can build a highly profitable roadside assistance business of your own. Getting signed up with the insurance companies is the first step, and that’s just a portion of what you will learn here today.

So, let’s get started.

It’s Ok If You’ve Made Mistakes

Ok, first of all, I want you to know that it’s ok if you’ve made mistakes in the past. You may have tried various businesses that, for one reason or another, didn’t work out. And I want you to know that it happens to the best of us.

With all the information and misinformation that exists, it’s hard to know what works, and what doesn’t.

So, I want to start out by letting you know that we’ve all made mistakes, and we’ve all had failures.  But if you are worried that because of those mistakes, that you can’t succeed, let me stop you right there, you have it in you to achieve great things, precisely because of the failures of your past.

Failure gives you a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed. You learn more from your failures than you do from your successes.

Of course, your competition doesn’t want you to know that. The towing and roadside assistance companies that exist today do not want you to succeed. To protect their territories, they want you to keep thinking you’re inferior. And many times they do it with the help of the cities, counties, and states where you live. The very governments which exist to serve you.

If you’ve ever had difficulty getting on rotation or providing roadside assistance in the city where you live…

If you had had trouble…Getting Your Foot In The Door with the local police…That’s The Good-Old-Boy Network Working Against You.

Government bureaucrats and high-powered cronies are still working together, hand-in-hand to maintain their stranglehold on power, which means there’s little room for helping people like you. If they can’t see how they might benefit from helping you succeed, then it’s not worth their time.

That’s why I created The Tow Academy. To help you do an end-run around these people. To Bypass All The BS Down At City Hall and build your own highly profitable towing and roadside assistance business, without needing to join the Good-Old-Boy network.

We believe you deserve the same opportunities to realize your dreams as others have, regardless of who you know, and the amount of money in your bank account.

Over the past four years, we have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of successful towing and roadside assistance companies. Providing one-on-one coaching, remote, and onsite consulting services, business evaluations, marketing services, and more. On our YouTube channel, you’ll find dozens of free videos full of useful training tips and helpful information, and on our website you’ll find our blog, with tons of free information designed to help young and upcoming businesses, as well as established companies, improve their stations in life.

And, still each day, we receive hundreds of emails and phone calls from people eager to learn more.  We do our best to answer your phone calls and talk with as many of you as we can, but our time is limited.  The most common question asked lately is how to start a roadside assistance business.

So today I’m going to show you how you can live your dream of building a highly profitable roadside assistance business.

How To Build A Roadside Assistance Business

Our goal here is to help two types of people. For those of you who have zero experience in roadside assistance, and are looking for an opportunity to start your own business, you will learn how to get signed up with the insurance companies and how to start and grow your own highly profitable roadside assistance business. We even provide a list of more than 30 top insurance companies who are actively looking for people just like you.

For others who are already in the business, but struggling, we’ll show you how to reorient your thinking concerning the insurance companies. We show you new ways to leverage relationships and how to use the insurance companies as a stepping stone to move in the direction of higher-margin calls. So that eventually your business no longer relies, solely on the revenue the insurance companies provide.

In the roadside assistance business, insurance companies are a fact of life. They’re not going away anytime soon. That means that the only way you’re going to grow your roadside assistance business outside of having to join the good-old-boy network is to learn how to make working for insurance companies work for you.

How To Start A Towing Business

Before I learned the lesson I’m about to share with you I failed miserably, many times. But once I made the change, I was finally able to come out on top, with a towing and roadside assistance business, grossing revenues of more 1.5 Million annually. And even in the midst of growing that business, I made plenty of mistakes. But the lessons learned from those mistakes are much more valuable than anything money can buy.

I learned that I wasn’t the best boss and that my customer service skills sucked, and, exactly what happens when you swear at your insurance company Field-Rep.

For those of you who don’t know the significance of that last one, an insurance company Field-Rep has the power to see that you do not receive any more calls from their company.

It was quite a foolish thing to do, I can see that now, but back then I felt justified in what I’d said.  You see, this is what happened…

My Story…

When I first started my business; I did it because I wanted to make my wife happy, and at that moment on the phone with my Field Rep, things just weren’t working out the way I’d planned.

I know that first part might sound a little sappy to you, but it’s true.

I’ll say it again, the reason I started my business was that I wanted to make my wife happy, I wanted her to smile, that same smile I remembered from when we first met.

It’s hard to explain, but it was just something about the glow in her eyes, and her sweet, beautiful smile. It filled me with a sense of approval and adoration and made me feel like I could do no wrong.

And, the truth was…her smile had become quite scarce in the years since we’d started our business.

I’ll back up a bit and explain.

You see, my wife’s name is Brenda, and we were married quite young, and neither of us finished college. So, we did what people who don’t finish college do, we got whatever jobs we could get.

She got a job working at a factory that created health and beauty products, and I worked at a shoe distribution warehouse.  And each night after work, I would talk about my plans for making our lives better. Which, most of the time consisted of starting one business or another.

Of course, every night after work, she would be tired, I could see it in her eyes.  But every time I talked about my plans for starting a new business, her eyes would perk up, and she would soon shoot me that beautiful smile.

And…Before long, I was like Pavlov’s dog, I knew was onto something.

I would tell her about my new business idea, and how it would improve the quality of our lives. “We’d buy a bigger house, and get a newer car,” I’d say. And it worked, every time I talked about my plans she’d shoot me those pearly whites.

But I knew that just talking about starting a business wasn’t enough.

For her to remain happy, I had to take action.

So, I started out by selling herbal supplements, then burial plots, and I even tried buying real estate with no-money-down, but I lost money on all of them.

When those didn’t work, I then tried three different multi-level marketing schemes, and even selling vacuum cleaners, door-to-door (which really sucked). And again, I lost money.

But after each business failure, my wife still stuck with me, working every day at the factory as hard as ever. And as she did, I noticed that, ever so slightly, the glow in her smile seemed to grow dimmer and dimmer as the days went by.

So, after all those business screw-ups, I decided to go back to work at the warehouse, I even got a second job.  The plan now was to save our money, and eventually open a real business down the road.

I won’t bore you with long, drawn-out details of our journey and the struggles we endured. Suffice it to say that it took a lot longer than I imagined because one expense or another always seemed to take priority over putting money away.  But eventually, we finally had enough money saved to start.

And, the truth is…When we did start…The first few years were terrible.

But after the third year, we could see we were moving in the right direction. We were profiting.  But that’s when I made some horrible business decisions, which I didn’t know would come back to bite me, and eventually, cause us to Lose Money.

You see, the reason I swore over the phone at my insurance company Field-Rep that day was because…I felt like I was spinning my wheels.  And…At that moment, it seemed like HE was the cause of all my problems.

We’d worked hard to grow our little business over the past few years, but now…things weren’t going as planned.

I knew you had to spend money to make money, but I also knew that providing roadside assistance did not come cheap. Trucks and drivers are expensive, and you need cash-flow to make things work.

And, at that time I was experiencing a CASH-CRUNCH.

Of course, my cash-crunch had nothing to do with the Field-Rep. It was due to my inability to manage my business properly. And I was merely using him as a scapegoat for my problems.

Do you want to know what the worst part was though? About this whole situation at the time?

The worse part was, my wife wasn’t happy!

And…she was still working.

No, she wasn’t working at the factory, she was now working with me, at the towing business. We were working together, trying to grow our little company.

And the truth is, I loved working with my wife. The sense of moving in the same direction with someone you love, both with the same goal…It’s an incredible feeling.

The problem was, things were so damn tight right now, that I was afraid we might have to close the doors and sell the trucks.

Which would mean I would fail Brenda again, just as before.

Working so close with her in the office every day was good, but at times I would become extremely anxious and worry. And she could hear and feel the tension in my voice. And…in the evenings at home, it would be the same thing, she had to endure my complaints as I obsessed over everything I believed was wrong with the business.

She got it 24/7.

Brenda knew our little business was struggling, and she did all she could to help out. She still believed in me and told me that she would support whatever decision I made. Including closing the business if we had to.

But when she saw me on the phone that day, verbally assaulting that insurance company Field-Rep, she gave me the sternest most disapproving look I’d ever seen.

After I hung up the phone, she walked up to me and said, “We need to have a serious talk tonight!”

She’d heard every word I’d said, and knew that there would be repercussions, as did I. But in the moment, with that Field-Rep, I was so damn through with hearing his line of bull, that I no longer cared.

I’ll spare you the details of our “talk” that evening. But I will tell you what I got out of it.

It’s something that changed my whole outlook on my business, and helped, not only save our little company, and quite possibly my marriage, but it’s the reason our business grew to become the success it did.

My wife is usually quiet, but that night she let me have it. She told me that in all my past business failures, she noticed that I had one particular skill. The one thing that I was really good at was my ability to identify the worst part of each business.

At first, I thought it was a compliment.  But she just shook her head and continued.

She said, “No that’s THE PROBLEM…Rather than focusing on the best parts of the business, you put all of your energies, all of your attention into what’s wrong with it.”

I didn’t understand it at the time, but after I let that little criticism sink-in, I understood exactly what she was saying. And it made perfect sense.

She was saying that our business was failing because I was allowing the difficulties to consume all my energies.  Rather than focusing on how I could capitalize on existing relationships and learn how to build them and create more and better relationships, to grow our business, I was becoming a killjoy that no one wanted to be around, including the customers.

Of course, I wasn’t alone in the way I conducted my business.  You see most of the companies signed-up with the insurance companies today are just like I was back then. They believe they’re being screwed-over by the insurance companies.

Ok, the reality is this. Insurance companies must make a profit, which means that they pay less than what a regular cash-paying customer would pay, and because of this, most towing and roadside assistance businesses assume that they’re getting the shaft.

As did I.

And it wasn’t until Brenda helped change my thinking that I realized…

What You Focus On Expands

And if I focused on growing my business by working within the systems that exist, and leveraging the customers the insurance companies were already sending my way, then my business would expand and prosper.

And that’s precisely what I did.

The next day I called my Field Rep back and offered an apology. And to my surprise, he graciously accepted. He said he understood the pressures I was under and was really appreciative that I cared enough to call back. From then on it was like nothing had ever occurred, and our relationship grew even stronger as the years passed.

After that, we went on to change the entire way we operated.

We focused on customer service and relationship building, and over time our little business expanded and grew to serve thousands and thousands of customers every year.

And as more years went by, we became the GO-TO towing and roadside assistance company in our community, and in the process, became highly profitable.

But the best part of the whole experience was…her smile was back, Brenda was happy again, and this year we’ll celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary.

How To Start A Roadside Assistance Business

Over the past 26 months, since we’ve sold our business, I’ve had time to think about what we went through and the details of how we built it into the success that it became. Long ago, through gentle but firm prodding from my wife, I learned that I wasn’t in the Roadside Assistance Business serving people, I was in the People Business providing roadside assistance. And I firmly believe that for you to start a successful roadside assistance business you need to always put people first.

My wife and I have both learned many valuable lessons along the way, and now we want to help you learn those lessons as well. So we decided to put together a guide designed to help you along your journey to success. This guide will provide you with the steps necessary to build a highly successful roadside assistance business.

We know the struggles that many of you are going through right now, trying to get established and having road-blocks put in your way at each turn, so that’s why we created a Roadside Assistance Business Blueprint for you to follow.

It’s filled with everything you’ll need to get started. We’ve included tons of highly detailed and actionable information that will set you on the path to building your own highly profitable roadside assistance business.

There’s insider information in here that you can’t find anywhere else, and even a list with links to the insurance companies who are actively seeking applicants just like you.

And we’re offering to YOU this guide, filled with more than 30 years of experience for a one-time fee of $49-dollars.

Instant Download


Why A Fee? 

You may be wondering why we are asking you to pay for this valuable information, if we sincerely wanted to help, why wouldn’t we just give it away?

The answer to that question is two-fold.

First…The information and resources you’ll find in this guide are exactly what we teach our coaching and consulting clients. Many of these clients have paid us thousands of dollars for in-person meetings, and hourly coaching calls. If we were to simply give it away to you, for free, it wouldn’t be fair.

The second reason we are charging a fee is because…WE WANT YOU TO FOLLOW THROUGH!!

How many times have you downloaded a free report and failed to read it? And even if you did read it, you probably placed very little value on what was inside. The reason you placed very little value on it…was because you believed that, since they were giving it away…since millions of others had access to this information as well…then it held no value.

The information and resources contained in this guide are highly valuable, they’ve worked for hundreds of others, and if you follow our instructions, they will work for you too.

How to Make Working for Insurance Companies Work for You 

If you are like I was after my early business failures, you’re probably cautious of any sort of offers. You’ve been burnt before and are unsure if what we’re offering will provide you with the tools necessary to build your own highly profitable roadside assistance business.  I understand your apprehension but allow me to clarify what’s inside.

Most of the companies providing roadside assistance today are not using the techniques we show you in this report. They are not taking full advantage of the opportunities that exist.

  • We teach you the 3 Must-Have-Skills to leverage the customers the insurance companies send your way, to grow your business.

  • We show you how to use the insurance companies as a stepping stone, to Move In The Direction Of Higher-Margin Calls.

  • We show you how to Build A Highly Profitable Business that will eventually no longer, solely rely on the revenue from these companies.

  • We show you how to compete on the basis of continuous improvement so that regardless of what the other roadside assistance companies are doing, You Stay A Lean, Mean, Customer Service Oriented Machine, which will make them irrelevant.

Instant Download


Maybe you’re just a little anxious about starting a towing business on your own. And…Or possibly even a bit scared that once you get started, you won’t have what it takes to partner with these billion dollar corporations.

I completely understand. I’ve lost money before because I didn’t know what was required prior to climbing on board.

One time I invested a substantial membership fee joining a multi-level-marking company.

Not two days after I joined, the company wanted me to write a 2-page essay saying why I loved the product, and then to send it in a letter to everyone I knew.

Well, guess what? I didn’t particularly like the product, and I didn’t want to lie to my friends and family.

I quit soon after, losing my investment.

Knowing what’s required before you get started is exactly why this guide is so valuable, it provides you with the information necessary to make an informed decision and avoid making costly mistakes.

  • You’ll learn what the insurance companies Require From You To Get Started. Including insurance, licensing, background checks, permits, certifications, ongoing education, and more.

  • You’ll learn how the insurance companies work. How They Choose Which Company To Call, how to get called more often, and how to avoid being blacklisted.

  • You’ll also learn what’s required to make certain that You Always Receive Fair Compensation for your services, and how to collect the money that’s owed.

Or maybe you’re worried what your family and friends might think if you try something new…again.

If you’re like most people, you’ve failed somewhere along the line, and you’re afraid that starting up another business will raise eyebrows, and start people to talking.

Well, Let Em Talk. . . This Is YOUR Life!

It’s none of their business what you do. Besides, most of them don’t have the ability to understand people like you and me.

The reason I started my business, I’m guessing, is similar to the reason you have the strong urge to get started as well.

You are starting a business because you want to provide for your family, To Give Them A Better Life.

You want to do more than just put groceries on the table, and a roof over their heads, if you just wanted to do that, you could get a job working at Wal-Mart.

If you are like me, You Want To See That Smile…and your family to have a better more fulling life. 

How To Start A Towing Business From Scratch

Are You Ready To Start A Highly Profitable Towing Company In Your Town?

Welcome to the exciting world of roadside assistance. Now is a remarkable time to get involved in this business. And today I’m going to show you one of the quickest ways for you to get started.

Each day in the US there are 100’s of thousands of calls for roadside assistance, and the demand is ever increasing. Before the birth of the smartphone, those in need of towing or roadside assistance relied mainly on friends and family to find help; but now, it’s much easier for these people to simply pick up the phone and call.

More than 97% of the population has a smartphone, and because of this, the floodgates have opened wide, creating HUGE DEMAND for roadside assistance services. Modern advances have once again created an abundant opportunity for motivated individuals just like you to take part in this ever-increasing business.

Until recently, learning how to get involved in the world of towing and roadside assistance has been kept under wraps, concealed by towing companies, fearful of losing a stranglehold on their profits. But now, with what you will learn here today, you have the opportunity to break into this highly rewarding business.

So, hold onto your seat, and get ready to dive into learning how you can build a highly profitable roadside assistance business of your own. Getting signed up with the insurance companies is the first step, and that’s just a portion of what you will learn here today.

So, let’s get started.

It’s Ok If You’ve Made Mistakes

Ok, first of all, I want you to know that it’s ok if you’ve made mistakes in the past. You may have tried various businesses that, for one reason or another, didn’t work out. And I want you to know that it happens to the best of us.

With all the information and misinformation that exists, it’s hard to know what works, and what doesn’t.

So, I want to start out by letting you know that we’ve all made mistakes, and we’ve all had failures.  But if you are worried that because of those mistakes, that you can’t succeed, let me stop you right there, you have it in you to achieve great things, precisely because of the failures of your past.

Failure gives you a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed. You learn more from your failures than you do from your successes.

Of course, your competition doesn’t want you to know that. The towing and roadside assistance companies that exist today do not want you to succeed. To protect their territories, they want you to keep thinking you’re inferior. And many times they do it with the help of the cities, counties, and states where you live. The very governments which exist to serve you.

If you’ve ever had difficulty getting on rotation or providing roadside assistance in the city where you live…

If you had had trouble…Getting Your Foot In The Door with the local police…That’s The Good-Old-Boy Network Working Against You.

Government bureaucrats and high-powered cronies are still working together, hand-in-hand to maintain their stranglehold on power, which means there’s little room for helping people like you. If they can’t see how they might benefit from helping you succeed, then it’s not worth their time.

That’s why I created The Tow Academy. To help you do an end-run around these people. To Bypass All The BS Down At City Hall and build your own highly profitable towing and roadside assistance business, without needing to join the Good-Old-Boy network.

We believe you deserve the same opportunities to realize your dreams as others have, regardless of who you know, and the amount of money in your bank account.

Over the past four years, we have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of successful towing and roadside assistance companies. Providing one-on-one coaching, remote, and onsite consulting services, business evaluations, marketing services, and more. On our YouTube channel, you’ll find dozens of free videos full of useful training tips and helpful information, and on our website you’ll find our blog, with tons of free information designed to help young and upcoming businesses, as well as established companies, improve their stations in life.

And, still each day, we receive hundreds of emails and phone calls from people eager to learn more.  We do our best to answer your phone calls and talk with as many of you as we can, but our time is limited.  The most common question asked lately is how to start a roadside assistance business.

So today I’m going to show you how you can live your dream of building a highly profitable roadside assistance business.

How To Build A Roadside Assistance Business

Our goal here is to help two types of people. For those of you who have zero experience in roadside assistance, and are looking for an opportunity to start your own business, you will learn how to get signed up with the insurance companies and how to start and grow your own highly profitable roadside assistance business. We even provide a list of more than 30 top insurance companies who are actively looking for people just like you.

For others who are already in the business, but struggling, we’ll show you how to reorient your thinking concerning the insurance companies. We show you new ways to leverage relationships and how to use the insurance companies as a stepping stone to move in the direction of higher-margin calls. So that eventually your business no longer relies, solely on the revenue the insurance companies provide.

In the roadside assistance business, insurance companies are a fact of life. They’re not going away anytime soon. That means that the only way you’re going to grow your roadside assistance business outside of having to join the good-old-boy network is to learn how to make working for insurance companies work for you.

How To Start A Towing Business

Before I learned the lesson I’m about to share with you I failed miserably, many times. But once I made the change, I was finally able to come out on top, with a towing and roadside assistance business, grossing revenues of more 1.5 Million annually. And even in the midst of growing that business, I made plenty of mistakes. But the lessons learned from those mistakes are much more valuable than anything money can buy.

I learned that I wasn’t the best boss and that my customer service skills sucked, and, exactly what happens when you swear at your insurance company Field-Rep.

For those of you who don’t know the significance of that last one, an insurance company Field-Rep has the power to see that you do not receive any more calls from their company.

It was quite a foolish thing to do, I can see that now, but back then I felt justified in what I’d said.  You see, this is what happened…

My Story…

When I first started my business; I did it because I wanted to make my wife happy, and at that moment on the phone with my Field Rep, things just weren’t working out the way I’d planned.

I know that first part might sound a little sappy to you, but it’s true.

I’ll say it again, the reason I started my business was that I wanted to make my wife happy, I wanted her to smile, that same smile I remembered from when we first met.

It’s hard to explain, but it was just something about the glow in her eyes, and her sweet, beautiful smile. It filled me with a sense of approval and adoration and made me feel like I could do no wrong.

And, the truth was…her smile had become quite scarce in the years since we’d started our business.

I’ll back up a bit and explain.

You see, my wife’s name is Brenda, and we were married quite young, and neither of us finished college. So, we did what people who don’t finish college do, we got whatever jobs we could get.

She got a job working at a factory that created health and beauty products, and I worked at a shoe distribution warehouse.  And each night after work, I would talk about my plans for making our lives better. Which, most of the time consisted of starting one business or another.

Of course, every night after work, she would be tired, I could see it in her eyes.  But every time I talked about my plans for starting a new business, her eyes would perk up, and she would soon shoot me that beautiful smile.

And…Before long, I was like Pavlov’s dog, I knew was onto something.

I would tell her about my new business idea, and how it would improve the quality of our lives. “We’d buy a bigger house, and get a newer car,” I’d say. And it worked, every time I talked about my plans she’d shoot me those pearly whites.

But I knew that just talking about starting a business wasn’t enough.

For her to remain happy, I had to take action.

So, I started out by selling herbal supplements, then burial plots, and I even tried buying real estate with no-money-down, but I lost money on all of them.

When those didn’t work, I then tried three different multi-level marketing schemes, and even selling vacuum cleaners, door-to-door (which really sucked). And again, I lost money.

But after each business failure, my wife still stuck with me, working every day at the factory as hard as ever. And as she did, I noticed that, ever so slightly, the glow in her smile seemed to grow dimmer and dimmer as the days went by.

So, after all those business screw-ups, I decided to go back to work at the warehouse, I even got a second job.  The plan now was to save our money, and eventually open a real business down the road.

I won’t bore you with long, drawn-out details of our journey and the struggles we endured. Suffice it to say that it took a lot longer than I imagined because one expense or another always seemed to take priority over putting money away.  But eventually, we finally had enough money saved to start.

And, the truth is…When we did start…The first few years were terrible.

But after the third year, we could see we were moving in the right direction. We were profiting.  But that’s when I made some horrible business decisions, which I didn’t know would come back to bite me, and eventually, cause us to Lose Money.

You see, the reason I swore over the phone at my insurance company Field-Rep that day was because…I felt like I was spinning my wheels.  And…At that moment, it seemed like HE was the cause of all my problems.

We’d worked hard to grow our little business over the past few years, but now…things weren’t going as planned.

I knew you had to spend money to make money, but I also knew that providing roadside assistance did not come cheap. Trucks and drivers are expensive, and you need cash-flow to make things work.

And, at that time I was experiencing a CASH-CRUNCH.

Of course, my cash-crunch had nothing to do with the Field-Rep. It was due to my inability to manage my business properly. And I was merely using him as a scapegoat for my problems.

Do you want to know what the worst part was though? About this whole situation at the time?

The worse part was, my wife wasn’t happy!

And…she was still working.

No, she wasn’t working at the factory, she was now working with me, at the towing business. We were working together, trying to grow our little company.

And the truth is, I loved working with my wife. The sense of moving in the same direction with someone you love, both with the same goal…It’s an incredible feeling.

The problem was, things were so damn tight right now, that I was afraid we might have to close the doors and sell the trucks.

Which would mean I would fail Brenda again, just as before.

Working so close with her in the office every day was good, but at times I would become extremely anxious and worry. And she could hear and feel the tension in my voice. And…in the evenings at home, it would be the same thing, she had to endure my complaints as I obsessed over everything I believed was wrong with the business.

She got it 24/7.

Brenda knew our little business was struggling, and she did all she could to help out. She still believed in me and told me that she would support whatever decision I made. Including closing the business if we had to.

But when she saw me on the phone that day, verbally assaulting that insurance company Field-Rep, she gave me the sternest most disapproving look I’d ever seen.

After I hung up the phone, she walked up to me and said, “We need to have a serious talk tonight!”

She’d heard every word I’d said, and knew that there would be repercussions, as did I. But in the moment, with that Field-Rep, I was so damn through with hearing his line of bull, that I no longer cared.

I’ll spare you the details of our “talk” that evening. But I will tell you what I got out of it.

It’s something that changed my whole outlook on my business, and helped, not only save our little company, and quite possibly my marriage, but it’s the reason our business grew to become the success it did.

My wife is usually quiet, but that night she let me have it. She told me that in all my past business failures, she noticed that I had one particular skill. The one thing that I was really good at was my ability to identify the worst part of each business.

At first, I thought it was a compliment.  But she just shook her head and continued.

She said, “No that’s THE PROBLEM…Rather than focusing on the best parts of the business, you put all of your energies, all of your attention into what’s wrong with it.”

I didn’t understand it at the time, but after I let that little criticism sink-in, I understood exactly what she was saying. And it made perfect sense.

She was saying that our business was failing because I was allowing the difficulties to consume all my energies.  Rather than focusing on how I could capitalize on existing relationships and learn how to build them and create more and better relationships, to grow our business, I was becoming a killjoy that no one wanted to be around, including the customers.

Of course, I wasn’t alone in the way I conducted my business.  You see most of the companies signed-up with the insurance companies today are just like I was back then. They believe they’re being screwed-over by the insurance companies.

Ok, the reality is this. Insurance companies must make a profit, which means that they pay less than what a regular cash-paying customer would pay, and because of this, most towing and roadside assistance businesses assume that they’re getting the shaft.

As did I.

And it wasn’t until Brenda helped change my thinking that I realized…

What You Focus On Expands

And if I focused on growing my business by working within the systems that exist, and leveraging the customers the insurance companies were already sending my way, then my business would expand and prosper.

And that’s precisely what I did.

The next day I called my Field Rep back and offered an apology. And to my surprise, he graciously accepted. He said he understood the pressures I was under and was really appreciative that I cared enough to call back. From then on it was like nothing had ever occurred, and our relationship grew even stronger as the years passed.

After that, we went on to change the entire way we operated.

We focused on customer service and relationship building, and over time our little business expanded and grew to serve thousands and thousands of customers every year.

And as more years went by, we became the GO-TO towing and roadside assistance company in our community, and in the process, became highly profitable.

But the best part of the whole experience was…her smile was back, Brenda was happy again, and this year we’ll celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary.

How To Start A Roadside Assistance Business

Over the past 26 months, since we’ve sold our business, I’ve had time to think about what we went through and the details of how we built it into the success that it became. Long ago, through gentle but firm prodding from my wife, I learned that I wasn’t in the Roadside Assistance Business serving people, I was in the People Business providing roadside assistance. And I firmly believe that for you to start a successful roadside assistance business you need to always put people first.

My wife and I have both learned many valuable lessons along the way, and now we want to help you learn those lessons as well. So we decided to put together a guide designed to help you along your journey to success. This guide will provide you with the steps necessary to build a highly successful roadside assistance business.

We know the struggles that many of you are going through right now, trying to get established and having road-blocks put in your way at each turn, so that’s why we created a Roadside Assistance Business Blueprint for you to follow.

It’s filled with everything you’ll need to get started. We’ve included tons of highly detailed and actionable information that will set you on the path to building your own highly profitable roadside assistance business.

There’s insider information in here that you can’t find anywhere else, and even a list with links to the insurance companies who are actively seeking applicants just like you.

And we’re offering to YOU this guide, filled with more than 30 years of experience for a one-time fee of $49-dollars.

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How To Start A Roadside Assistance Business

Why A Fee? 

You may be wondering why we are asking you to pay for this valuable information, if we sincerely wanted to help, why wouldn’t we just give it away?

The answer to that question is two-fold.

First…The information and resources you’ll find in this guide are exactly what we teach our coaching and consulting clients. Many of these clients have paid us thousands of dollars for in-person meetings, and hourly coaching calls. If we were to simply give it away to you, for free, it wouldn’t be fair.

The second reason we are charging a fee is because…WE WANT YOU TO FOLLOW THROUGH!!

How many times have you downloaded a free report and failed to read it? And even if you did read it, you probably placed very little value on what was inside. The reason you placed very little value on it…was because you believed that, since they were giving it away…since millions of others had access to this information as well…then it held no value.

The information and resources contained in this guide are highly valuable, they’ve worked for hundreds of others, and if you follow our instructions, they will work for you too.

How to Make Working for Insurance Companies Work for You 

If you are like I was after my early business failures, you’re probably cautious of any sort of offers. You’ve been burnt before and are unsure if what we’re offering will provide you with the tools necessary to build your own highly profitable roadside assistance business.  I understand your apprehension but allow me to clarify what’s inside.

Most of the companies providing roadside assistance today are not using the techniques we show you in this report. They are not taking full advantage of the opportunities that exist.

  • We teach you the 3 Must-Have-Skills to leverage the customers the insurance companies send your way, to grow your business.

  • We show you how to use the insurance companies as a stepping stone, to Move In The Direction Of Higher-Margin Calls.

  • We show you how to Build A Highly Profitable Business that will eventually no longer, solely rely on the revenue from these companies.

  • We show you how to compete on the basis of continuous improvement so that regardless of what the other roadside assistance companies are doing, You Stay A Lean, Mean, Customer Service Oriented Machine, which will make them irrelevant.

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How To Start A Roadside Assistance Business

Maybe you’re just a little anxious about starting a towing business on your own. And…Or possibly even a bit scared that once you get started, you won’t have what it takes to partner with these billion dollar corporations.

I completely understand. I’ve lost money before because I didn’t know what was required prior to climbing on board.

One time I invested a substantial membership fee joining a multi-level-marking company.

Not two days after I joined, the company wanted me to write a 2-page essay saying why I loved the product, and then to send it in a letter to everyone I knew.

Well, guess what? I didn’t particularly like the product, and I didn’t want to lie to my friends and family.

I quit soon after, losing my investment.

Knowing what’s required before you get started is exactly why this guide is so valuable, it provides you with the information necessary to make an informed decision and avoid making costly mistakes.

  • You’ll learn what the insurance companies Require From You To Get Started. Including insurance, licensing, background checks, permits, certifications, ongoing education, and more.

  • You’ll learn how the insurance companies work. How They Choose Which Company To Call, how to get called more often, and how to avoid being blacklisted.

  • You’ll also learn what’s required to make certain that You Always Receive Fair Compensation for your services, and how to collect the money that’s owed.

Or maybe you’re worried what your family and friends might think if you try something new…again.

If you’re like most people, you’ve failed somewhere along the line, and you’re afraid that starting up another business will raise eyebrows, and start people to talking.

Well, Let Em Talk. . . This Is YOUR Life!

It’s none of their business what you do. Besides, most of them don’t have the ability to understand people like you and me.

The reason I started my business, I’m guessing, is similar to the reason you have the strong urge to get started as well.

You are starting a business because you want to provide for your family, To Give Them A Better Life.

You want to do more than just put groceries on the table, and a roof over their heads, if you just wanted to do that, you could get a job working at Wal-Mart.

If you are like me, You Want To See That Smile…and your family to have a better more fulling life. 

How David Turned His Business Around

David had been in the towing and roadside business for three years before we met him. And during that time he had quickly grown to 8 trucks and 6 drivers. His annual sales were in excess of $600,000 but his profits were sadly lacking.

Eager to get a head start and make a name for himself, David hadn’t been picky about who he worked for. And, he had little concern for the rates he was receiving. He figured it would all work out in the end. “More volume meant a higher return,” he would argue.

We got together and he listened to what we had to say.

And…After he applied the concepts, techniques, and principals we teach in this guide, initially, his sales decreased.

But that was by design. 

In a short time though, after David was able to clearly determine his Average Cost Per Call, he then proceeded to weed out the less profitable calls from his business.  And in the process, he learned that providing service to those customers cost him more than just a loss of profit on those particular calls, he was also incurring another cost.

Something called Opportunity Cost. 

David’s company was losing out on the opportunity to run other higher-margin calls, and calls that could be leveraged into building strong, lasting relationships, because he was spending too much time servicing low-margin, zero-relationship building customers.

In a short time, after implementing what we teach, his company’s annual sales rose to more than 1-Million-Dollars.  But what was even better was, his profits had increased substantially.  

Wesley Started From Nothing, And In Less Than Two Years Was Doing Between $8,000 & $12,000 In Monthly Sales

Wesley worked as an employee for AAA before he called us. He was making about $2200 per month and wanted to make a change because his wife just had their second child.  They needed more money to support their growing family.

It was clear that he had the operational experience. He knew what to do, as far as providing service. What he needed help with was how to find customers, and keep them calling.

We had the opportunity to talk with him a couple of times before he finally pulled the trigger.  There was no mistaking the fear in his voice each time we spoke.  He was scared to make a move and go out on his own.

Leaving the known, regardless of how meager an existence it may be, is very hard when you are unsure of what lies ahead.   

But Wesley saved his money and got rid of much of his consumer debt, and a little over a year after the last time we spoke, he called saying he was ready to get started.

And…during the first three months in business he struggled, but after using the strategies and tools we provide in this Roadside Assistance Business Blueprint, Wesley’s company began to take off.

Wesley called us back a few months ago to let us know how he was doing.  We were happy to hear that he was doing well and that his wife had was expecting another baby.

How David Turned His Business Around

David had been in the towing and roadside business for three years before we met him. And during that time he had quickly grown to 8 trucks and 6 drivers. His annual sales were in excess of $600,000 but his profits were sadly lacking.

Eager to get a head start and make a name for himself, David hadn’t been picky about who he worked for. And, he had little concern for the rates he was receiving. He figured it would all work out in the end. “More volume meant a higher return,” he would argue.

We got together and he listened to what we had to say.

And…After he applied the concepts, techniques, and principals we teach in this guide, initially, his sales decreased.

But that was by design. 

In a short time though, after David was able to clearly determine his Average Cost Per Call, he then proceeded to weed out the less profitable calls from his business.  And in the process, he learned that providing service to those customers cost him more than just a loss of profit on those particular calls, he was also incurring another cost.

Something called Opportunity Cost. 

David’s company was losing out on the opportunity to run other higher-margin calls, and calls that could be leveraged into building strong, lasting relationships, because he was spending too much time servicing low-margin, zero-relationship building customers.

In a short time, after implementing what we teach, his company’s annual sales rose to more than 1-Million-Dollars.  But what was even better was, his profits had increased substantially.  

Wesley Started From Nothing, And In Less Than Two Years Was Doing Between $8,000 & $12,000 In Monthly Sales

Wesley worked as an employee for AAA before he called us. He was making about $2200 per month and wanted to make a change because his wife just had their second child.  They needed more money to support their growing family.

It was clear that he had the operational experience. He knew what to do, as far as providing service. What he needed help with was how to find customers, and keep them calling.

We had the opportunity to talk with him a couple of times before he finally pulled the trigger.  There was no mistaking the fear in his voice each time we spoke.  He was scared to make a move and go out on his own.

Leaving the known, regardless of how meager an existence it may be, is very hard when you are unsure of what lies ahead.   

But Wesley saved his money and got rid of much of his consumer debt, and a little over a year after the last time we spoke, he called saying he was ready to get started.

And…during the first three months in business he struggled, but after using the strategies and tools we provide in this Roadside Assistance Business Blueprint, Wesley’s company began to take off.

Wesley called us back a few months ago to let us know how he was doing.  We were happy to hear that he was doing well and that his wife had was expecting another baby.

  • Inside this guide you will discover how you to take full advantage of the customers the insurance companies send you your way.  You’ll learn how to Develop Partnerships And Strengthen Relationships With Repair Shops.

  • You will understand what’s required to be regarded as one of the Top Roadside Assistance Companies, to ensure that you are called upon again and again to assist the insurance companies’ customers. 

  • We Provide You With Insider Information that details exactly how this business works. So you can properly conduct yourself, safegaurding your business’s position so it will thrive and prosper for years to come as you exploit everything the insurance companies have to offer.

What we’ve created here and are offering to you is The Definitive Blueprint for Creating a Roadside Assistance Business that will last long into the future. It’s filled with everything you will need to build a highly profitable business.

The only problem is, we’re concerned that once everyone has their hands on this guide, and everyone starts using the insider tips detailed inside, it’s going to be harder and harder to break into this business.  So, we suggest, that only those who are serious about starting their own roadside assistance business purchase this guide.

    • You’ll learn what will automatically disqualify you from being accepted as a service provider for many of the insurance companies.
    • You’ll learn the steps required to improve your online presence so that you receive tons of cash-paying customers calls.
    • You’ll understand the value of the role of matchmaker, and how being one can aid in getting referral after referral from the repair shops.
    • You’ll know how to determine your rates with the clubs and even learn how to calculate your average cost per tow, so you know your always making a profit.
    • You’ll learn what marketing channels work best for roadside assistance companies and how to exploit them for all that they’re worth.
    • You’ll get to know who your ideal customer is, what they’re thinking, and how to get in front of them so they call you and not the competition.
    • And you’ll learn simple psychological triggers that work to get customers to refer you to their friends, and call you back again and again.

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How To Start A Roadside Assistance Business
  • Customers Are Everywhere

  • A Service Everyone Needs
  • Ever-Increasing Demand
  • Operate From Your Home
  • Assist People In Need
  • Work In An Expanding Market

To instantly download this Roadside Assistance Business Blueprint click the “Buy Now” button below. Once your payment is processed you will receive simple instructions for downloading.

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  • Inside this guide you will discover how you to take full advantage of the customers the insurance companies send you your way.  You’ll learn how to Develop Partnerships And Strengthen Relationships With Repair Shops.

  • You will understand what’s required to be regarded as one of the Top Roadside Assistance Companies, to ensure that you are called upon again and again to assist the insurance companies’ customers. 

  • We Provide You With Insider Information that details exactly how this business works. So you can properly conduct yourself, safegaurding your business’s position so it will thrive and prosper for years to come as you exploit everything the insurance companies have to offer.

What we’ve created here and are offering to you is The Definitive Blueprint for Creating a Roadside Assistance Business that will last long into the future. It’s filled with everything you will need to build a highly profitable business.

The only problem is, we’re concerned that once everyone has their hands on this guide, and everyone starts using the insider tips detailed inside, it’s going to be harder and harder to break into this business.  So, we suggest, that only those who are serious about starting their own roadside assistance business purchase this guide.

You’ll learn what will automatically disqualify you from being accepted as a service provider for many of the insurance companies.

You’ll learn where to get your business listed free online so that you are available to receive tons of cash-paying customers calls.

You’ll understand the value of the role of matchmaker, and how you being one can aid in getting referral after referral from the repair shops.

You’ll learn how to determine your rates with the clubs and even learn how to calculate your average cost per tow, so you know you are always making a profit.

You’ll learn what marketing channels work best for roadside assistance companies and how to exploit them for all that they’re worth.

You’ll get to know who your ideal customer is, what they’re thinking, and how to get in front of them so they call YOU and not the competition.

And you’ll learn simple psychological triggers that work to get customers to refer you to their friends and family, and call you back again and again.

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How To Start A Roadside Assistance Business
  • Customers Are Everywhere
  • A Service Everyone Needs
  • Ever-Increasing Demand
  • Operate From Your Home
  • Assist People In Need
  • Work In An Expanding Market

To instantly download this Roadside Assistance Business Blueprint click the “Buy Now” button below. Once your payment is processed you will receive simple instructions for downloading.

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