What worked a few short years ago no longer works today. Placing your trust in outdated media like print YellowPages does not make good business sense. What works now is a commitment to your business’s digital presence online.
We are committed to your success because we’ve been where you are, and frankly, we didn’t like the way we were treated. A commitment to tow company marketing means, first, understanding what’s required. The internet is filled with thousands of companies, eager to tell you a story and take your money. They litter the landscape, causing confusion and distrust. We’re different, we’re here to help you grow your business, while decreasing your dependency on motor clubs and other abusers. Give us a call.

The Tow Academy is dedicated tow company marketing, and helping towers rise above their current conditions. We started the Tow Academy to help decrease your reliance on motor clubs and other abusers. We only work with towing companies because if we were to delve into other industries we stand the chance of losing our focus. This focus on tow company marketing gives us the ability to continually address the challenges you come up against every day. And because of this, we believe we have the ability to provide a higher level of service and results to our customers.

We take tow company marketing very seriously. We know that the highest, best use of your marketing dollars should be invested in the creation and ongoing enhancement of your online presence. Towing customers only need you, when they need you. And when that time comes you need to be where they are looking. The YellowPages and other print advertising is outdated media. For the most part, motor clubs are disloyal and pay lousy. The competition for cash calls is increasing so fast that, if you’re not taking charge of your online presence, and investing in the only place your customers are looking for you, you’re losing business.